10 Common Myths About Cats
September 4, 2023

Was there ever a time when you thought all of those things your friends said about cats were true? Well, think again! From being aloof to hating baths, read on to learn the truth about these common cat myths.

1. Cats Are Aloof and Don’t Care About Their Owners

Wrong! While it’s true that cats can be independent, many of them actually form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy spending time with them.

Cats are known to purr when they’re content, and some will even follow their owners around the house. If your cat seems aloof, it might just be because they’re not a big fan of being held or cuddled.

2. Cats Always Land on Their Feet

That’s not always the case! Cats do have a natural ability to right themselves mid-fall, but if they fall from a great height, they can still be injured. Don’t let your kitty climb to high places where a fall could be deadly.

3. Cats Hate Water and Don’t Like Baths

Again, wrong! While there are certainly some cats who don’t enjoy baths, there are many that do. In fact, some cats even enjoy playing in the water.

If you have a cat that hates water, try acclimating to it by starting with a few drops and working your way up. You might be surprised at how they take to it.

4. Cats Are Solitary Animals

While cats are generally independent creatures, they do enjoy companionship and can form strong bonds with both other cats and their humans. In fact, some cats even prefer to have a feline friend and become anxious when they’re the only cat in the house.

5. Cats Sharpening Their Claws Will Destroy Your Furniture

Not necessarily! If you provide your cat with a scratching post or another outlet for their scratching instincts, they’re less likely to scratch your furniture. And if you catch them in the act, a simple “no” should suffice.

6. All Cats Are Timid

This couldn’t be further from the truth! While some cats are naturally shy, there are plenty of outgoing, confident kitties out there. The best way to gauge a cat’s personality is to meet them and see for yourself.

7. Cats Have Nine Lives

This is probably the most well-known myth about cats. While we don’t know where this rumor started, we do know that it’s not true!

Cats actually have only one life, just like the rest of us. And its life should be lived to the fullest with plenty of love, attention, and care.

8. Cats Spend Most of Their Time Sleeping

While it’s true that cats do sleep a lot – up to 16 hours a day, in fact – they don’t spend all of their time doing so. When they’re not napping, they enjoy playing, exploring, and interacting with their humans.

So if your cat seems like they’re always sleeping, try to engage them in some fun activities to help keep them active.

9. You Should Never Wake a Sleeping Cat

This myth is actually half true! It’s best not to wake a sleeping cat abruptly, as it may become startled or even aggressive. However, if you need to wake them gently for something important, like food or water, then it’s okay to do so.

10. All Black Cats Are Bad Luck

This is an old wives’ tale that has no basis in reality. The color of a cat’s fur has nothing to do with its personality or whether they’re lucky.

So if you’re looking for a new cat, don’t let this superstition stop you from considering a black kitty – they might just be the perfect addition to your family.

Final Words

There are many myths and misconceptions about cats out there. But as you can see, the truth is that these furry creatures are complex, unique, and full of personality.

If you’re considering adding a cat to your family, do your research and find the perfect one for you. And most importantly, don’t believe everything you hear – after all, it might just be a myth!