4 Delicious Food Ideas for Camping
September 18, 2023

Camping is a great way to get away from it all and enjoy some time in nature. But one of the challenges of camping is figuring out what to eat. You can’t just pack up your kitchen staples and expect them to last a week in the woods. But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered.

This blog post will share four delicious food ideas for camping that will make your time in the great outdoors even better. These recipes, from easy-to-make breakfasts to tasty dinners, will help you make the most of your camping trip.

Campfire Breakfast Sandwich

Assuming you have all the ingredients, this breakfast sandwich is easy to make and will start your day off right. You can cook the eggs any way you like, but we prefer sunny side up so that the yolk runs into the bread and everything gets nice and crispy.


  • eggs
  • bacon or sausage
  • cheddar cheese
  • bread
  • butter or cooking spray

1. Preheat your grill, skillet, or campfire coals. If using a campfire, you’ll want to wait until the coals have burned down to an ember stage.
2. Cook your bacon or sausage until it’s nicely crisped. Set aside on a paper towel to cool.
3. In the same pan, melt some butter or coat with cooking spray. Crack your eggs into the pan and cook the sunny side up—season with salt and pepper to taste.
4. Toast your bread on the grill or in the skillet. Once it’s nice and crispy, begin assembling your sandwiches by placing one egg on each slice of toast, then topping it with bacon or sausage and cheddar cheese.

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

There’s nothing quite like a classic grilled cheese and tomato soup when you’re out camping. This dish is simple to make and can be easily customized to your liking.

To make the grilled cheese, you’ll need the following:

  • Bread
  • Butter or margarine
  • Cheese (sliced, shredded, or whatever kind you prefer)

To make the tomato soup, you’ll need the following:

  • Tomatoes (canned or fresh)
  • Chicken broth or water
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: milk, cream, sugar, spices


If you’re looking for delicious, classic camping food, look no further than s’mores! This tasty treat is made by sandwiching a piece of chocolate between two graham crackers and then topping it with a toasted marshmallow. S’mores are best enjoyed around a campfire but can also be made in your oven or microwave at home.

To make s’mores, you will need the following:

  • Graham crackers
  • Chocolate bars or chocolate chips
  • Marshmallows
  • Skewers (if using marshmallows)
  • Firepit or another heat source (if using marshmallows)

1. If using marshmallows, start by skewering one on a stick. Hold the marshmallow over the fire pit or other heat source until it is toasty and golden brown.
2. Meanwhile, lay out two graham crackers side by side. Place a piece of chocolate on one of the graham crackers.
3. Once the marshmallow is ready, place it atop the chocolate and graham cracker. Top with the second graham cracker to form a sandwich. Enjoy!

Campfire Cobbler

  • One can (15 oz) fruit pie filling
  • One package (14.5 oz) of yellow cake mix
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 1 cup chopped nuts (optional)
  • Vanilla ice cream (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9×13-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
2. Pour the pie filling into the pan.
3. Sprinkle the dry cake mix over the top of the pie filling.
4. Pour the melted butter over the top of the cake mix.
5. Sprinkle with nuts, if desired.
6. Bake for 45 minutes or until golden brown and bubbly.