5 Tips for Mixing and Matching Patterns in Home Decor
September 1, 2023

What makes a home unique is its ability to reflect the personality of those who live there. One way to achieve this is by mixing and matching patterns in your decor. From the moment you step through the door, your home should make a statement about who you are and what you love.

If you’re not sure how to get started, here are five tips for mixing and matching patterns in home decor:

1. Start With a Neutral Base

Neutral colors like white, cream and gray provide the perfect backdrop for mixing and matching patterns. By starting with a neutral base, you can experiment with different combinations without feeling overwhelmed.

These colors also help to create a sense of cohesion in your space, and who doesn’t love that? Most importantly, don’t be afraid to mix different shades of the same color. This can add depth and interest to your decor.

2. Introduce Patterns Gradually

If you’re new to mixing and matching patterns, it’s best to start slowly. Begin by incorporating two or three patterns into your space. You can experiment with different combinations until you find a look that you love.

As you become more comfortable, you can add additional patterns. Just remember to keep it balanced because too many patterns can be overwhelming. When in doubt, less is more. Not only will this help you to avoid making design mistakes, but it will also allow you to build your confidence gradually.

3. Mix Big and Small Patterns

One of the most important things to remember when mixing and matching patterns is to mix big and small patterns. This helps to create visual interest and keeps your space from looking too busy.

Start with a larger patterned piece, such as a rug or sofa, and then mix in smaller patterns with pillows, throws, and artwork. What better way to make a statement than by mixing bold patterns with subtle ones? But remember, the key is to find a balance.

4. Use Patterns of Different Scales

Another way to add visual interest to your space is to use patterns of different scales. For example, you could pair a small geometric print with a large floral pattern. This contrast will give your space an exciting and dynamic look.

In just a few simple steps, you can take your decor from ordinary to extraordinary. With a little bit of creativity, the possibilities are endless.

5. Incorporate Different Textures

When mixing and matching patterns, it’s also important to incorporate different textures. This will add depth and dimension to your decor and make it more interesting to look at. Try pairing a smooth fabric with a rough one or a matte finish with a glossy one.

By mixing different textures, you can create a truly unique and inviting space. This can be easily achieved by adding a fur throw blanket or velvet pillow to your sofa.

Final Words

So, there you have it! These are just a few tips for mixing and matching patterns in home decor. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to creating a space that reflects your unique style.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and start mixin’ and matchin’!